Tuesday 18 October 2011

Planning of advert - child abuse

The location for my advert is going to be a house and most of the advert will be filmed in a small girls bedroom. The lighting that i will use throughout the advert will be daylight to begin with as the girl is walking down her road to her house so it will be bright and sunny connoting happiness and joy. It will then change to grey-scale as she enters her drive and walks up the her house. The theme of using grey-scale lighting will stay constant throughout the rest of the advert as it connotes sadness and darkness, the feeling of being alone and helpless. This can be achieved through the editing process.

The actual adverts' storyline will be of a school girl on her way home from school. She will start off as being shown to be happy without a care in the the world and as soon as she enters her driveway leading to her house, her mood will change and she will then be shown to look sad and worried. I will show her facial expressions by using close ups and mid shots with the camera, to show her behavior and body language.

As she enters her house, there will be non-diegetic sound of shouting from another room which wont be shown on screen. The significance of this is that violence is usually behind closed doors; this also adds emphasis on the segregation from the outside world and the household. The girl will then very quickly go upstairs straight to her room and sits in a corner. The door will be left open as there is further shouting being heard from downstairs. She will then get up and close the door following her running over to get her schoolbag which will be left on the floor as she tries to find a piece of paper which has a phone number on it with a child helpline. Through the use of non-diegetic sound again there will be footsteps coming up the stairs and i will use a series of reverse shots to show the girls facial expressions becoming more worried and of the door as the footsteps get increasingly louder until the door eventually opens.

The advert will end on a long shot of the girl in the corner of her room as the door is open and it will then fade to a black screen with text on it. The text will consist of the logo of the campaign and a number for people to call and talk to for help and advice. There will also be text showing the audience they can offer a donation to the organisation to help save a child. The reason as to why i have decided to put the logo of the campaign at the end of the advert is because this is what is common in most child abuse adverts so i will follow the trend.

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